Wednesday, January 9, 2013

'Mission In Action: Arts and the Incarcerated'

Art at the Y's exhibit 'Beyond Lines: Limited Expressions from the Men Within Danville' was recently featured in the November issue of the Y USA Member News.  This means that every Y in the USA knows that we're a 'Mission In Action.' 

"At the University Y, we recognize that some of the most profound insight, critique, and creative thinking around issues which comprise the Y happen in and around the arts," says Program Director Ann Rasmus.  We stand out because we stand up for the arts as a powerful medium to engage issues of social justice, as well as cultural understanding and environmental activism.

We'd like to take this moment to sincerely thank the students of the University Education Justice Project and the men at Danville Prison for putting this exhibition together to challenge assumptions about 'prison art' and incarcerated people. We also extend our gratitude to the campus and broader community for their continued support.  We couldn't do what we do without you!   

Check out the article from  Y USA Member News

...and then keep on the look out for exciting things to come from Art @ the Y this Spring semester!

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