Friday, April 5, 2013

PRESS RELEASE/PSA: University YMCA honored for the Community Service Award at the 9th Annual Dialogue and Friendship Banquet

At the 9th Annual Dialogue and Friendship Banquet, the Intercultural Friendship Foundation (IFF) at the University of Illinois presented the Community Service Award to the University YMCA in appreciation of the University Y's impact in local communities in building friendships, creating dialogue, and impacting policy change for the common good.

When: March 27th, 2013

Where: Illinois Hotel and Conference Center, 1900 S. First Street, Champaign

Background: Since 1873, the University YMCA has sponsored activities, organizations, and programs dedicated to fostering ethical leadership committed to building a better world.  The University Y works with committed student and community leaders who share our mission of promoting interfaith and intercultural dialogue, social justice, and environmental activism.  The University YMCA not only hosts but engages in community forums, such as the Champaign-Urbana Immigration Forum --a group of immigrants, students, clergy, service providers, labor union representatives, local residents and community organizations concerned about the progress and plight of immigrants in our community.

IFF and Niagara Foundation can take great pride in doing the work on the ground in our community to promote fellowship, cultural exchange and breaking down the barriers that are too often the source of ignorance, poverty and conflict. It also makes this award that much more meaningful coming from others who share our concern for building a better world of peace and understanding, “ said Mike Doyle, Executive Director of the University YMCA. 

"University YMCA is a unique organization which addresses social justice, environmental, intercultural and interfaith issues in Champaign-Urbana community," said Melikhan Tanyeri, Executive Director of the Niagara Foundation. "The Y plays a significant role by providing leadership opportunities to students and by sponsoring, hosting organizations, programs and activities that makes a difference both on campus and within the community. In this regard, our humble award (Community Service Award) is an appreciation of the valuable efforts by the staff towards fulfilling the mission of fostering understanding, cooperation, and collaboration on issues of common concern."

FORMER RECIPIENTS: The former recipients:
(2011) Conrad Wetzel, Interfaith Alliance and First Mennonite Church of Urbana
(2010) May Kao Xiong, Assistant Director at the Asian American Cultural Center

Contact: Mike Doyle, Executive Director
[217-337-1500 or]

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