Monday, March 3, 2014


Creating dynamic change in our communities while developing tomorrow's cause driven leaders. That's what you'll find everyday behind the doors of the University YMCA. Invest in the work of our students with your membership donation and you'll become an important part of the socially responsible change that our students create. Through cause driven leadership development, scholarship support, campus-community connections, and public dialogues, the University Y addresses and supports causes most important to our communities.

Students provide the passion, the desire, the ingenuity, and the innovation. The YMCA brings the opportunity, the space, the knowledge, and the support services. For hundreds of students, the important first step to cause driven leadership is the opportunity to discover the causes that spark their passion Through the Y, students are exposed to social justice issues, environmental concerns, interfaith initiatives, and global awareness.

Last year, over 752 YMCA Student Group members volunteered 21,690 hours in 19 different communities. It's because of your generous support that the University YMCA continues to launch generations of young leaders from our historic building. Learn more about our students and their causes and the University YMCA's role in their development at And while you are there, consider giving your annual gift to the University YMCA. Now that you know how much we are, please join our cause.

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