Wednesday, March 9, 2016


There are many reasons that bring people to the Y. Whether it’s volunteering with the Y’s Dump & Run recycling program or serving on the Friday Forum planning committee, people find more of what matters to them at the Y.  What brings Sandra and Michael Giger to the Y are the friendships and opportunities to share with and learn from other cultures at the Y’s annual International Dinner & Performance Night. 

For 33 years, people have been gathering together at the Y to enjoy a night of cuisine and performances that represent the diverse cultures here in Champaign-Urbana. 

“It’s a wonderful introduction to all of the cultures represented here,” says Michael. “We always seek opportunities to serve as ambassadors of the Brazilian culture.”

For about thirteen years, Sandra and Michael have volunteered to serve a dish at the International Dinner & Performance Night. Sandra loves making passion fruit mousse year after year because it’s an easy way to share a spoonful of something sweet and tropical that reminds her of home, and with about 200 event-goers! On the years that Sandra could not participate, Michael would happily take her place, serving his version of the mousse with pride.  

“We never come back home with any leftovers,” Sandra adds. “It’s always been a dish people look forward to seeing on the menu. I love that.”  

Both Sandra and Michael have also formed many friendships over the years by sharing food with others at the Y. It is Y traditions like the International Dinner & Performance Night that have given us the opportunity to enjoy the company of friends, old and new.

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