Monday, June 12, 2017

Press Release/PSA: Community Resource Center Launched the Y

Press Release
For Immediate Release
June 12, 2017

The Three Spinners share about their first week at the
YMCA New American Welcome Center and call for volunteers and donations
[Champaign County, Illinois] Last week, the University YMCA welcomed the Three Spinners as they launched the Community Resource Center as part of the YMCA New American Welcome Center. The Three Spinners are currently seeking donations and volunteer support as the Community Resource Center becomes established.

The Community Resource Center provides clothes, furniture, and household items free of charge to refugees and immigrants struggling in the community.  It also offers one-on-one and small group language conversation hours, computer and software training, interview coaching, and résumé preparation.

The Three Spinners are currently seeking volunteers to provide consistent service during the summer of 2017 on either Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays from 11am-2pm. If you’d like to donate any furniture, clothes or household items, drop-off sites for donations include the 2nd floor of the School of Social work during the hours of 8:30am-5pm and  from 11am-2pm at the Community Resource Center, which is located downstairs of the University YMCA. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please visit:
Since last week’s launching, the Community Resource Center has received several large donations, received volunteer interest, and provided services to three new clients, including one client who called back wanting to volunteer in his free time.
“Champaign is so rich in resources and generosity, we wanted to have a neutral, open space for refugees and newcomers to be able to more easily navigate resources and find needed household items to thrive in our area” said Alexandra van Doren, Director of the Three Spinners. “When we learned that the Y selected our community to be a New American Welcome Center, we were excited to join the work because it aligns closely with our mission.”
In support of our shared cause to strengthen communities, all direct service, referral, and community bridge-building efforts under the YMCA New American Welcome Center are designed to connect new immigrants and the receiving communities and foster an environment that encourages newcomer integration and community cohesion.
“The launching of the Community Resource Center at the Y illustrates another instance of the Champaign-Urbana community stepping up to address local needs and connect with each other in service of others,” said Gloria Yen, New American Program Coordinator for the University YMCA. “Since its opening, the Community Resource Center at the Y has received a lot of positive responses. It really shows that our community values convening and supporting community partners to better serve all in Champaign County.”
For more information about the YMCA New American Welcome Center, visit:

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