Friday, July 19, 2013

[Y Stories] Hari Rao: "My Kind of Place"

In this edition of Y Stories, we meet up with Hari Rao who started coming to the Y to have a quiet place to study but soon found the Y to be a great place to live, to volunteer, to meet new people and have fun. 

Watch the video:

[Y Stories] is a part of the YMCA's celebration of 140 years of engaging people in service, reflection, and action.  Since 1873, the University YMCA has sponsored programs, organizations, and activities dedicated to building a better world, better human relations, and better care for the Earth.  

As part of this celebration, we would like to acknowledge stories of University YMCA alumni and friends in order to commemorate our lasting legacy. We would love to hear your Y story, because we believe that the power of storytelling is when people say "me too."  

Watch other videos from our friends and Y alumni:

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