Wednesday, May 8, 2013

[Y Stories] Tom Seals: "For A Better Tradition"

A graduate student and Y alumni of the 1970s, Tom Seals now serves as a University Y trustee. In this edition of Y Stories, Tom recounts the anti-racist push to remove Chief Illiniwek from campus, and how the demand for a better tradition was an important step in University Y's commitment to social justice.

This video is a part of the YMCA's celebration of 140 years of accomplishment in its mission to "challenge and nurture the mind and spirit of individuals and communities to develop and practice ethical principles and responsible leadership for social justice and the integrity of our natural world."

As part of this celebration, we would like to acknowledge stories of University YMCA alumni in order to commemorate our lasting legacy. We would love to hear your Y story, because we believe that the power of storytelling is when people say "me too."  

Watch other videos from our friends and Y alumni:

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