Monday, February 11, 2013

PRESS RELEASE/ PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: The University YMCA hosts the 30th Annual International Dinner and Performance Night

For Immediate Release
Please publicize until March 10th, 2013

What: The University YMCA, Cosmopolitan Club and the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) announce their 30th Annual International Dinner and Performance Night. Families, international students, and faculty come together for an evening of great food and live music. Tickets are only $8 for a sampling of food and music from all over the world. All are welcome to attend.

When: Sunday, March 10th, 2013, 6-8pm

Where: University YMCA-UIUC, Latzer Hall, 1001 S Wright Street, Champaign, IL 61820

Details: Tickets are on sale now for $8 and can be purchased at the University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright Street, Champaign (checks should be made to Cosmopolitan Club). Seats are limited, so plan to purchase tickets early).  Past menus have included food from Vietnam, Hawaii, Korea, Brazil, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Romania, Ghana, Peru, Russia, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Israel and several other countries as well as cultural performances.  Performances TBA. 

For more information and updates on the menu and performance schedule, visit:

Background: The University YMCA, Cosmopolitan Club and ISSS have been co-sponsoring this event for the campus and community for 30 years. "Champaign-Urbana is a community that is rich with cultural diversity,” says Program Director Kasey Umland, “and International Dinner and Performance Night is an opportunity for all to come together around delicious food and celebrate that.”

Since 1918, the University YMCA has hosted and sponsored programs to foster international understanding and cultural awareness and provide service to international students, faculty, and staff. We have continued this legacy of international programming on campus that embraces diversity, encourages progress through democracy, and promotes peace through sympathy and understanding, and service to humanity.

Media Kit: 29th Annual International Dinner and Performance Night: Video Footage, Link:, Four photos, courtesy of Laura Rezha

Contact: Kasey Umland, Program Director

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